A simple example showcasing CBX#

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%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import cbx as cbx
from cbx.dynamics import CBO
from cbx.objectives import Rastrigin
import cbx.utils.termination as term
from cbx.scheduler import effective_sample_size

Define the parameters#

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conf = {'alpha': 40.0,
        'dt': 0.1,
        'sigma': 1.,
        'lamda': 1.0,
        'batch_partial': False},
        'd': 2,
        'N': 50,
        'M': 3,
        'track_args': {'names':

Define the initial positions of the particles and objective function#

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x = cbx.utils.init_particles(shape=(conf['M'], conf['N'], conf['d']), x_min=-2., x_max = 1.)
f = Rastrigin()

Define the dynamic and scheduler#

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dyn = CBO(f, x=x, noise='isotropic', f_dim='3D',
sched = effective_sample_size(name='alpha', eta = 0.1)

Run the CBO algorithm#

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