This module implements some helpful utilities.
Termination criteria#
Check if the energy is below a certain tolerance. |
Checks if the update difference is less than the difference tolerance. |
Check if the number of function evaluations is greater than or equal to the maximum number of evaluations. |
Checks if the current value of dyn.it is greater than or equal to the value of dyn.max_it. |
Checks if the current value of dyn is greater than or equal to the value of dyn.max_time. |
Resampling schemes#
Resamplings from a list of callables |
Resampling based on ensemble update difference |
Resampling based on loss update difference |
Base class for tracking of variables in the history dictionary of given dynamics. |
Class for tracking of variable 'x' in the history dictionary. |
Class for tracking the 'energy' entry in the history. |
Class for tracking the 'update_norm' entry in the history. |
Class for tracking the 'consensus' entry in the dynamic. |
Class for tracking the 'drift' entry in the history. |
Class for tracking the 'drift_mean' entry in the history. |
Particle initialization#
Initialize particles |
Objective Handling#
Creates a cbx_objective from a function handle. |
A class for handling 2D objective functions. |