Extended output

By default, the minimise and sample routines return their best guess for the global minimiser of the function f. However, it is possible to access the extended output by passing the extended_output = true option.

When calling minimise, the extended output is a NamedTuple which contains:

  • minimiser, a Vector{Float64}, the candidate to the global minimiser of f;
  • ensemble_minimiser, a Vector of the M minimisers computed by each ensemble. minimiser is equal to their mean;
  • initial_particles, the initial position of the particles, see Particle initialisation;
  • final_particles, the final position of the particles.

When calling sample, the extended output also includes sample, which is an alias for final_particles. The final position of the particles is the distribution sample when running with CBS_mode = :sampling.

In both cases, certain low-level caches are included as well:

  • method, by default a ConsensusBasedOptimisation object;
  • method_cache, by default a ConsensusBasedOptimisationCache object;
  • particle_dynamic, by default a ParticleDynamic object;
  • particle_dynamic_cache, by default a ParticleDynamicCache object.

These objects are part of the Low-level interface.