Source code for cbx.utils.termination

import numpy as np

term_dict = {}
[docs] class energy_tol_term: """ Check if the energy is below a certain tolerance. Returns: bool: True if the energy is below the tolerance, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, energy_tol=1e-7): self.energy_tol = energy_tol
[docs] def __call__(self, dyn): return dyn.f_min < self.energy_tol
term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['energy-tol', 'energy tol', 'energy_tol'], energy_tol_term ) )
[docs] class diff_tol_term: """ Checks if the update difference is less than the difference tolerance. Returns: bool: True if the update difference is less than the difference tolerance, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, diff_tol=1e-7): self.diff_tol = diff_tol
[docs] def __call__(self, dyn): return dyn.update_diff < self.diff_tol
term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['diff-tol', 'diff tol', 'diff_tol'], diff_tol_term ) )
[docs] class max_eval_term: """ Check if the number of function evaluations is greater than or equal to the maximum number of evaluations. Returns: bool: True if the number of function evaluations is greater than or equal to the maximum number of evaluations, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, max_eval=1000): self.max_eval = max_eval
[docs] def __call__(self, dyn): return dyn.num_f_eval >= self.max_eval
term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['max-eval', 'max eval', 'max_eval'], max_eval_term ) )
[docs] class max_it_term: """ Checks if the current value of `` is greater than or equal to the value of `dyn.max_it`. Returns: bool: True if `` is greater than or equal to `dyn.max_it`, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, max_it=1000): self.max_it = max_it
[docs] def __call__(self, dyn): if self.max_it is None: return np.zeros((dyn.M), dtype=bool) else: return ( >= self.max_it) * np.ones((dyn.M), dtype=bool)
term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['max-it', 'max it', 'max_it'], max_it_term ) )
[docs] class max_time_term: """ Checks if the current value of `dyn` is greater than or equal to the value of `dyn.max_time`. Returns: bool: True if `dyn.t` is greater than or equal to `dyn.max_time`, False otherwise. """ def __init__(self, max_time=10.): self.max_time = max_time
[docs] def __call__(self, dyn): return (dyn.t >= self.max_time) * np.ones((dyn.M), dtype=bool)
term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['max-time', 'max time', 'max_time'], max_time_term ) ) #%% class energy_stagnation_term: """ Checks if the loss was moving during the last iterations. """ def __init__(self, patience=20, std_thresh=1e-9): self.patience = patience self.losses = None self.std_thresh = std_thresh def __call__(self, dyn): if self.losses is None: self.losses = np.random.uniform(0., 1., size=(self.patience, dyn.M)) if dyn.consensus is None: return np.zeros((dyn.M), dtype=bool) # eval loss E = dyn.f(dyn.consensus[dyn.active_runs_idx, ...]) dyn.num_f_eval[dyn.active_runs_idx] += 1 # update losses self.losses[, dyn.active_runs_idx] = E return np.std(self.losses, axis=0) < self.std_thresh term_dict.update( dict.fromkeys(['energy-stagnation', 'energy stagnation', 'energy_stagnation'], energy_stagnation_term ) ) #%% def select_term(term): if isinstance(term, str): return term_dict[term]() elif hasattr(term, 'keys'): if 'name' in term.keys(): return term_dict[term['name']]( **{k:v for k,v in term.items() if k not in ['name']} ) else: raise ValueError('The given term dict: ' + str(term) + '\n ' + 'does not have the necessary key ' + '"name"') else: return term